April 12, 2012
Home stretch
At this point I'm plodding sluggishly through the rest of the term and looking forward to conquering my ever-growing piles of grading. They just keep getting bigger and of course I am now battling a nagging cough and cold to boot. I am usually so resistant to illness but the changing climates and time zones and multiple airplanes left my immune system in less than stellar shape. My cold also means I have been avoiding contacts lately. I am in the home stretch and I have only three teaching days left for the term (counting today... which is my long day so until it is over it counts).
I wore this vintage dress to campus and dressed in a rush. I haven't worn this billowy frock in years and almost forgot it existed but I was looking through my old contributions to the Wardrobe Remix flickr group (from back in 2007 or so) and spotted it among the fray. I was worried that maybe I donated it along with many other vintage items I edited years ago. The dress was found hanging in the back of my closet, being neglected. It is very sheer and short waisted so I tend to wear it layered for coverage.
Anyone else in the home stretch for the term? I know my institution ends things a bit earlier than most because we have a truncated holiday break between fall and spring.
Outfit info:
Vintage dress
Marc by Marc Jacobs cashmere cardigan (current season version here)
Spanx tights
ChloƩ lock flats (similar here)
Redraven Studios necklace
I hope you're feeling better soon! Getting sick when you've got a ton on your plate sucks - but at least you can see the end of the tunnel, so there's hope!
I can commiserate with all the grading. I have a never-ending stack these days myself and will until the end of our semester, the first week or so in May. Glad you found this dress.
I hope you get to feeling better soon! I have two more weeks of classes, endless piles of marking, and an oral surgery scheduled next Friday that will put me out of commission for probably a day or two, so I'm just trying to keep my head above water.
The print on that dress is lovely!
With work as busy as it'sbeen, I would love to facing the end of a term! Hopefully your cold goes away soon!
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