October 12, 2015

Wild Card OOTD

My family is comprised of some pretty serious baseball fans. We're season ticket holders and we have been taking Emilia to games since she was very small. So we were all really disappointed to see the Pirates eliminated in the NL Wild Card game.

This was the third year in a row that the Pirates were unable to win their division but qualified to play in the Wild Card game and each year I have had to be on campus. I still enjoy showing my support for the team and expressing my fandom so I wore this on Wednesday. It's a bummer to be out and frustrating to have only one game be the determining factor, in a sport where series' are better determinants of team performance. But I'm trying to keep perspective. Although they lost, I never could have imagined five years ago that the Pirates would have a 2015 season where they won 98 games. Just five years ago, I was beginning my job and marrying Chris and the Pirates only had 57 wins. It's a huge turnaround and plenty to feel proud over.

Old Navy dress worn as skirt
Pirate t-shirt from TJ Maxx
Calson cardigan from Nordstrom
Spanx tights
Sam Edelman boots
Kate Spade bag

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