July 25, 2010

Dressed to Register

I wore this silk See by ChloĆ© dress to do some wedding errand running with Chris. In truth, we were registering for wedding/shower gifts to assist our relatives. A nagging inner Emily Post wishes this practice was less standard wedding fare. And I do I have a few friends who have forgone the (relatively) traditional registry entirely in favor of a few more modern approaches. 

These ran the gamut from 'donations to a charity in the name of,' to 'honeymoon activities websites,' to even more directly suggestive 'wedding paypal' accounts. But my parents claimed that family members would have been dissatisfied with any of those. My parents argued for practicality over risking quite a few miffed familial guests. It is standard fare in the wedding decorum of my family to give material gifts for a shower and monetary gifts for a wedding. Breeching such decorum, and forgoing the department store registry could have been interpreted as asking for money. Somehow suggesting the specific gifts we would like sits easier. Of those of you who had wedding celebrations, what did you do?


Joie de Viv said...

We had a destination wedding which we didn't expect any gifts for and a large at-home reception. For most of the gift givers, we did know we would mostly get cash due to our culture. We still registered anyways because it was a fun wedding experience (Bloomingdale's invited us to a great luncheon) and it ended up being really good for people who 1) couldn't make it to the wedding and 2) our non-Asian friends who are not accustomed to giving cash.
In the end, we did use a lot of the cash to buy the items on our registry (for a great discount). I highly suggest doing that if there are things you'd really like. In our case, I always wanted a China set since it was not something I would ever get as an heirloom.

xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

Kathleen said...

We registered. Of course, I got married a long time ago (15 years).
Even then, I thought it was cheesy. Now, though, I'm still using a lot of the things. It's nice to have a decent set of dishes and silverware -- and particularly the older members of the extended family seemed to appreciate it. The only disadvantage is that I don't remember the people who gave us things as I do with the more unique gifts.

Raquelita said...

Since we semi-eloped, we ended up not having to deal with this. Our plan before we chucked the plans out the window was to do both a honeymoon registry and a smaller traditional style registry or two with Target and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Gorgeous dress!

SunnyDay said...

For some reason I can't see the pics.

Jesspgh of Consume or Consumed said...

Thank you for the input, Vivian! I understand the pressures of family protocol. And it is nice to pick things that would be great to have but that we'd not purchase for ourselves otherwise (like pretty but formal serving platters and what not).

Kathleen, That is so good to know that you are still using many of the items. We tried to pick things we think are of good quality and will have longevity.

La Historiadora, That is encouraging because you merged traditional with a more modern approach.

Desert Flower, thank you for the heads up. I host via flickr. Please let me know if the problem persists and I will switch my photo host to something else.


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