August 30, 2010

New Faculty Orientation Outfit

As part of Fashionable Academics' Back to School CFP, I have snapped a few shots of my orientation outfits. I've had to go to many days and many locations of these (even though I realized a lot of the information was redundant, I viewed it as an important ritual and networking opportunity). I realized on the first morning of orientation that the shirts I was planning to wear were stained or wrinkled or just inappropriate. So I wore a subtle See by ChloƩ printed dress.

It was a little casual but I figured I would be trekking around campus all day and could switch into heels for the fancy welcome dinner that followed immediately after.

The next day I had time to iron my shirt and put together this ensemble from Tibi and Ann Taylor Outlet. 

The third day was much larger and would involve faculty from all across the university so I went a little more conservative with a top by Theory and an Ann Taylor Loft skirt. The shoes are Nine West. I carried my Jenny Yuen Gatsby bag all week. What are you wearing for your first days?


robina said...

Oh how I wish I had your wardrobe! Or that I could go shopping with you more often.

That blog is really fun. And it need not be said that you look beautiful. Wish you were my prof! :)

gee said...

you always look so put together.
i am so jealous & i want to raid your closet.
happy monday!

Raquelita said...

You look so polished and chic! I hope that you learned some good stuff and made some new friends and contacts!

Jesspgh of Consume or Consumed said...

Robina, I wish we could shop together too! I had such fun on that Gabes run back in November. Thanks for reading!! xo

Gee, you are too sweet! YOU always look put together and adorable. xo

La Historiadora, thank you for the kind words! I think things went really well. I very much like my new colleagues!


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