May 07, 2018

Date night OOTD

By Malene Birger dress, Burberry bag, C-Label ankle strap wedges
I wore this old favorite By Malene Birger dress on a date with Chris. We went to Superior Motors which is Kevin Sousa's newest restaurant in Braddock. The food was really amazing and the space was very cool. I'm glad we checked it out. We went in celebration of my birthday, though we had gone to the Whitfield the night prior and Choolah on my birthday day (the night before that). So much going out! Anyway, I decided to wear this dress because it is incredibly delicate and I worry it won't last much longer. The silk chiffon is beautiful but not necessarily durable. And since it is another on that is about 10 years old, now seems like the time to enjoy it.

I don't know if that designer still releases lines but I always loved their aesthetic when I paid better attention to such things. I believe I bought this from Net-a-Porter or perhaps the Outnet. It was on a good sale, as usual. The Outnet may not have existed yet so it was probably Net-a-Porter. It has an open back so I usually pair it with a black cardigan because I am not about to go braless (even pre-motherhood). It's incredibly sheer and the slip it came with is still extremely revealing so I always pair it with one of my own slips. I'm sure it is outdated but I did get a few compliments from others in the restaurant.


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