July 21, 2010

Forever 21 Find and Pittsburgh Tailor Tip

I bought this dress yesterday from Forever 21 while out and about with my mom and sister. We were shopping for an outfit for my mom to wear to the wedding and made a pit stop in Forever 21 where my sis wanted to hopefully find something for the shower. Although she didn't have any shower luck, she found some wedding shoes at Marshalls. I grabbed this cheap little number from F21 because I loved the touches of color (mustard yellow, steel gray, seafoam, and muted teal) and the simple shape.
Dress from Forever 21
Hanky Panky slip underneath
Jimmy Choo Morse flats in purple
Balenciaga City
Vintage necklace
I wore it today to visit my tailor Geno in Oakland. He's excellent and I am having a few frocks taken in or shortened. He altered Chris's wedding suit and countless other pieces of his and his mom's (who told me to go there). He's a consummate pro and very personable! I hope to have some of my dresses back before he leaves to visit his brother in Italy. We'll see. But if any of you Pittsburghers are in need of a great tailor, The New Oakland Tailor on Meyran is the tops.


Kate (Embarrassment of Riches) said...

That dress is adorable - what is the waist like? Is it gathered/smocked?

Can I also say that your hair has been looking amazing, and I love that I can see more of your pretty face when you don't wear glasses? (The glasses are great, don't get me wrong - but it's a nice change when you don't wear them!)

Anjali said...

This dress is beautiful Jess! It looks like it came from a place much more expensive than Forever 21! I always marvel at your amazing eye for printed dresses :)

Jesspgh of Consume or Consumed said...

Thank you Kate! The dress is smocked in the back and has ties that I could tie in the back or in the front but I looped them around the back and tied them in the front in the above photo. You are too kind re: my glasses. I wear contacts a lot in the summer but I always feel like I show too much face. It's an adjustment just like the first few days of bare legged weather.

Goldenmeans, thanks so much! I feel like you, Rosa from Love at First Shop, Carole of Sasy.com, and Becca of Bea is for beautiful are the queens of making me covet expensive looking pieces that happen to have been found at H&M or Forever 21.

Jessica Miranda said...

that dress is amazing, jess!

thatdamngreendress said...

I just recently discovered the magical world of professional tailoring, after a dry cleaner butchered a brand new BCBG dress. I can't wait to gradually wean myself from trying to tailor everything myself now. Usually it's fine, but for really beautiful pieces, or when your inspiration for a certain look will fade before you have it to wear...
Great eye, as usual!

gee said...

oh forever21 how i love thee. once in a blue moon they have some wonderful dresses!!! that dress looks wonderful on you. i love those colors. xoxo

joelle van dyne said...

that's a great dress! i really like the muted colors, and it goes well with your bbag. ~joelle

Anonymous said...

Pretty dress!

SunnyDay said...

Gorgeous thing. Love the face, the hair, the figure, the dress.

craftysunday said...

ohmygosh...i can't believe i am just now discovering your blog! now that i'm leaving pittsburgh (sniffle). i wish i had known about your wonderful tailor; i was looking for someone good and wound up with a place that was ho-hum (but did the job, i suppose).

even though i won't be in the 'burgh anymore, i'll keep checking on your lovely outfits!


Jesspgh of Consume or Consumed said...

Jessica, thank you!

Sarah, tailors are really important if you are a bit on the shorter side like I am. I hope you find a great one soon!

Gee, it is so true. Every now and then there's something really fantastic!

Joelle, Thanks! I am a sucker for a steel gray cause I know it will look so nice with the bag.

Stylestance, thank you!

Desert Flower, Aww you are too sweet!

Crafty Sunday, welcome to my humble blog! I am sorry you had a less great experience with the tailor you found here. I hope you visit Pittsburgh after you depart and I hope you keep reading! Thanks for your comment.


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