September 21, 2011

Bronwen Dress Review

The last time I was in Anthropologie I gravitated toward the unique and pretty print of the Bronwen Dress. On the hanger, I thought the shape might be flattering even though I was concerned about a midi length on 5'3" me. I grabbed a size 8 and headed to the dressing room. As you can see in the second photo it is cut large all over but especially up top. The length and shape looked like an utter mess. And I could  not believe the price tag ($200+!). The flowy 70s vibe of this dress is cool but for the price and for the fit, no thanks.

For more reviews from the Anthopologie community, be sure to read Roxy's roundup

My Anthro wishlist is ever dwindling and I find myself less and less enamored with the price points.  Maybe the new fall releases will regenerate my enthusiasm but right now, I'm only excited about the shoes and accessories.


Cynthia said...

I haven't seen a lot I like there recently either.  Maybe the Maeve plaid one that I pinned the other day, but really, not so excited right now.

Alexandra said...

I totally agree, I feel the prices are getting steeper and steeper and the quality just isn't there to support the increase.  Still I remain optimistic for next month's roll-outs!

Ways2BWicked said...

Lovin' that dress!

mind of mister said...

i agree...maybe more fall items will be better .

A Stylized Hysteria said...

I have to agree- the cut of the dress seems really off. A little dumpy, even. And you're way too hot for dumpy!


the print of that dress is fab!


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