This entry was aptly timed for me, as I received some fantastic bday presents from Chris to help me nostalgically revive my 90s style.

Brick red Doc Martins and a Jessica Kagan Cushman "I want to be the girl with the most cake," bangle referencing the Hole song, "Doll Parts." Also pictured are a few of my other winnings: A book locket necklace from etsy seller, birdsnbeez that nods in the direction of steampunk (without going over the top, imo), and Fresh lemon sugar perfume. Thank you Chris!
I bought a pair of Docs for hiking just a month or so ago, and suddenly *poof* they were in again. I'm so glad I got them on sale...
Oh I really loved Sassy! I was a ninetys teen so it was pretty sweet! Thanks, I'm going to check out that site.
Awww, Sassy! So good!
Chris is so good at picking presents!
love that cover, insanely cute!
(: x
Awww ::::sighs:::: I miss Sassy, such a good magazine, do you think they'll ever bring it back? *Hopes*
Jennifer Nicole, you have great timing!!
Eyeliah, I was also a 90s teen so the entry made me very nostalgic!
S, He is indeed a good gift giver! :)
Hippyhippychic, Isn't it great?!
Gingersnap, It would be so amazing to bring it back but sadly, the medium of print seems so risky for even the already successful mags out there. I doubt any publishers are in a rush to fund a start-up in this economy.
Is it sad that I actually remember Sassy and very well, too? I miss the 90's as well and I think it was one of the best decades--but I might be a little biased :)
I was just watching My So-Called Life. And I want a pair of Doc Martens!
Oh, the 90's...and I do love I Heart Daily so that's awesome you check out their site. I was just thining about this new book that comes out on July 21, takes place in the early 90's. You might like it actually...
Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert. There is a big giveaway for it if you go on my blog and look either at the first post or scroll down a bit, depending on when you see this and there should be more giveaways later if people buy the book.
Jane Pratt has her own website : check it out
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