Soon after that entry I decided to run an ebay store search and randomly came upon the dress, two sizes below what I typically wear, but for a good price. According to the listed measurements it seemed like it *could* fit. So I contacted the seller to make an offer, rationalizing that if I got an even better price on it, then I could just take a chance.

And they said yes, much to my surprise! So I got the dress on Friday.

Well it basically fits. Except it is SO SHORT! I do not have the gams to pull off such a mini. I am going to try to creatively layer until I come up with a magic dress lengthening strategy. You can see the apprehension in my face. Also pictured are my new Delman flats! And a special guest spot by my extra dusty mirror!
I think the dress looks great! It is short, but it'd look odd (perhaps even frumpy) if it were longer. I love it.
Girl, you are crazy. Your legs look *good* and it's not too short at all! It's really a great dress, BTW.
it's adorable! what's crazy is my peter pan collar dress is super mini too.
Could you do a "Your Slip is Showing" type under layer?
i think u should just get some opaque tights and wear it together with a high heel and plenty confidence! i have thick thighs and like to wear tiny shorts under tiny minidresses and revel in not showing off my junk... well at least not all of it LMAO!
I think it looks adorable. It would look frumpier at a longer length. I second Miss Yaya's suggestion to wear with heels. Maybe platforms or wedges?
Thank you Chloe, Lindsay, Najeema, and Dream Sequins! You all are too kind! xo You are most likely right about the frump-factor and length!
Stacy, I was considering doing just that! I need to find the right mix of volume though to go with this dress.
Miss yaya, I think super opaque tights will be the answer. I love your suggestion to wear it, high heels, thighs out, brimming with confidence! I will try to muster it. :)
Love the dress!!! I think it looks great on you, but I agree with previous poster that it would look even hotter with heels on.
i think it looks great!!
Goodbuygal, I will try it with heels. :)
Warbler, Thank you!! I love your blog, btw.
i like the dress and like the idea of opaque tights! (which seems to fit with the dress anyhow!)
You can definitely wear it! And I insist that you do so, since you're lucky enough to own it and I'm not!
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