Dress from Brazilian store, Checkers
gifted necklace from St. Barths
Although I usually have a very strong immune system, I learned its limits this holiday break. Flying internationally for 14 hours, encountering nearly 75 of my closest relatives over Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, and hosting a cold-stricken sniffly houseguest for four or so days did me in. I have a terrible head and will find out in a few hours if it is a sinus infection when I visit my doctor.
This all bodes poorly for me because tomorrow marks my return to the classroom and the start of my Spring semester. I don't have much of a voice yet my job depends on using my voice. Suffice it to say that tomorrow's opening day song and dance will be briefer than usual. I cannot risk the first impression damage caused by one of my grosser coughing fits. So I am going to take it easy. I hope the students will understand. And I hope my doctor will help me get back on track asap!