Burberry Brit Checked Shirt Dress; Burberry Brit Theola (the one I bought is Navy)
Septembers are hectic, stressful months for everyone involved in education and it really helps to have a carrot or two that motivates a gal out of summer (writing) mode and into on-campus teaching mode. Accordingly, I decided to take a few of my final vacation days to shop. Everyone wound up with some new duds as a result.
Marimekko pieces (inc. this dress) for Emilia that I wish existed in my size!
Most of our family finds came from the Sawgrass Mills outlet mall in Florida and the Tanger Outlets in Washington, PA. All of the selections for me were at least 80% off! And many of Emilia's items were gifts from her Grammy and Grandma. As much as I enjoy my existing closet staples, it is always fun to find new things to wear to work/school!