February 18, 2011

DVF at Work: Another Professional Experiment

I wore this DVF in giant Spring Shadows print to work on Valentine's Day. I quickly realized it would be necessary to pin the top, or else risk classroom cleavage. Typically I avoid such body conscious silhouettes but I have seen so many lovely ladies on fashionism.org sport DVF for their very professional workplaces that I decided to try it for mine. It must have been a lucky outfit because this week (while I remain swamped with work) a manuscript of mine was accepted to one of my favorite academic journals for publication. And what is even better is that the reader comments (which can demoralize even if they conclude with a provisional acceptance) actually made me feel MORE confident about my career instead of less. This does mean I have added work to wrap quickly, during a time when I am already overwhelmed. But I am glad for it!

I wanted to point out that one of my favorite bloggers, Marianne of "Looks Good From the Back"  already blogged about one of her hardest working items back in January. She wrote about her favorite shirt. And it happens to be from one of my favorite designers, MBMJ! I am eager to get more submissions for this showcase so if you can send them to me at jesspgh at gmail dot com by March 4th, I will blog the list the following week.


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